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Widget Title: Widget Code: Remove all content theyâ??ve added to this group Block member from rejoining this group more Œ Anytime - Bondage Discipline Domination Submission Sadism Masochism Watch - S&M and D/s in the mass mediaSlaveduties Blog of a 24/7 slave - A lifestyle BDSM blog is Love - luna's Explorations; Bound to be filled with pleasure and pain - diversify sex! - http://blog. imaginations-bdsm. com/ Every week there will be a question posed to readers here at luna?s Journey. Feel free to answer it as candidly as you?d like. If you?d like to participate in the discussion please leave a comment on this post, send me an email or Comment on Talking To Mom About ? by Natty Keep meaning to say thanks for the call out (that Bitch Magazine article has had me busy at my blog and the PB). I have to say, this had to be one of the more uncomfortable moments I?ve ever
had with my mom.

The Best of All Time Here's one guy's top ten list of the best dominatrix movies of all time, with some short clips to give you an idea how extreme the action is. CV Meeting: ER with Sir Guy His presentation on ER is a must see:. Your ?hot? wax scene gets a little TOO hot, and someone gets burned? You are a little TOO sharp with your knife play and your bottom finally gets the point? Your gag works a little TOO well Birthday Present Click To Enlarge Birthdays are for most people a pretty happy time - A friend of Master's birthday was yesterday and we had a little party here last night, quiet little thing with just a few of Master's friends which turned into quite a ] and SL "Submission" is a generalized term meaning some combination of one, two, or three of these. All three do not have to be present to have true, in fact, there are many people that just enjoy one of these - perhaps being tied up during sex, Personal Growth Through Can there be healing and growth through ? My answer, a
resounding, YES! The true story that follows, is from a scene that my Mistress and i performed about 8 years ago. This scene is proof that can have profound effects on an Burning Embers Community (BEX) Delisted From WSE. Date: March 23, 2008 Burning Embers Community (BEX) has been delisted from the World Stock Exchange due to a breach of the WSE Listing Rules and WSE Constitution. All shares will be converted to the WSE Traders Fund (WTF). read more. I went into the panel hoping that I?d be able to engage in conversation about in a public setting, to be able to be out and open and talk freely about my ideas and desires. But within the first few minutes after I?d sat down, the queen of the con: carol queen on and sex work We start with the Friday night keynote with Carol Queen, an untitled talk whose topic was the intersection of /fetish and the sex industry. Carol gave a fantastic overview of her own experiences as a sex worker who, Create an email alert for Add a blog search gadget for to your Google homepa
geSubscribe to a blog search feed for in Google Reader New! 2345678910Next lunas Explorations; Bound to be filled with pleasure and pain Site Network: Posted by: in Every week there will be a question posed to readers here at lunaâ??s Journey. Feel free to answer it as candidly as youâ??d like. If youâ??d like to participate in the please leave a comment on this post, send me an or post the response on your own blog! Everyone gets angry, but as a submissive how do you convey that anger? What ways do you release the anger? What if you are angry with your partner? How do you safely express your feelings without regrets? Tags:,,, Via Feedburner Via LiveJournal Subscribe by Email , administrator of,, and. This entry was posted on Thursday, March 27th, 2008 at 12:00 am and is filed under. You can follow any responses to this entry through the feed. You can and leave a r
esponse. Pinging is currently not allowed. says: When were in scene I do my damndest to not get angry or upset& it helps that Im in the right headspace most of the time, the obedient kajira. Sometimes if were not quite in scene Master will do something that will set me off, but he quickly snaps me into the right headspace. It helps that Im inclined to please him naturally. Of course, were not 24/7, so other times I do get angry with him, and he with me. Our relationship can be pretty normal at times (not that he doesnt suddenly snap his fingers and expect me to be kajira suddenly, which I love). Still, hes got over 20 years experience of being in a relationship, so hes pretty good at knowing how to handle a lot of circumstances. You need to be able to express all your feelings, anger included, although doing it out of scene is obviously best. Still, if youre 24/7, when constitutes out-of-scene? says: slave janes last blog post. says: Sometimes I
have this really bad habit of bottling things up inside, and not sharing them unless things get worse. Othertimes Im really good at just stating bluntly what Im upset about. Name (will not be published) Website XHTML: You can use these tags: a href="" title="" abbr title="" acronym title="" b blockquote cite="" code em i strike strong Enable which will try and get your last blog post, please be patient while it finds it for you Notify me of followup comments via This blog contains real life experiences of an obese sexual, sensual masochist submissive. If discussions of sex, BDSM or Dominant/submissive relations offends you, please consider going back where you came from. on on on on Rayne on
View my page on Kruel Karess This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3. 0 United States License. Powered by, by tom. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). : This has had me thinking about the rules for talking to people about sex and kinkiness. The post linked there (by Greta Christina) people dont talk about sex in any detail. While that may be true in the aggregate, its been surprising to me just how open many people are about sex and kink, and how many details they do share, especially with trusted friends and select family members. Which doesnt mean it isnt both awkward and funny, sometimes, as : In the last two days I have twice found myself in the position of tutoring someone on the topic of S/M and spanking. The first tutorial was brief and, er&uncomfortable as my tutee was my mother. See Ive strongly suspected that part of the reason her current (fourth) marriage
is not working out is that her husband may actually be submissively oriented, as is she. So yesterday as she was driving me to Trader Joes and talking about her husband, I finally just blurted out, why doesnt he just go to a dominatrix already! You know, a woman a guy pays to have order him around and often, you know, whip him and what not&you know, S/M and what not, I tried to explain. My jaw dropped. For a woman who has always seemed to be this fount of sexual information, I was shocked. You know dominance and submission. Where one persons sorta in charge in the bedroom&In fact, Ive often thought that you, with your obsession about having a husband who is the head of the household and takes care of you, would totally be into domestic discipline& I should probably talk about this later and do my shopping, I said grabbing the car door handle. You can look it up on the Internet. The Loving Domestic Discipline page probably had a few hits from Clackamas, Oregon last night. Ive actually been
toying with talking to my mom about the whole DD thing for awhile. Yet aside from the ick factor, theres also the concern that if she did totally get into the whole thing, Id never be able to go to a spanking event in Portland again without my mom being there (yes, shes little Miss Outgoing). See Also: Posted by SpankBoss on | commented : Keep meaning to say thanks for the call out (that Bitch Magazine article has had me busy at my blog and the PB). I have to say, this had to be one of the more uncomfortable moments Ive ever had with my mom.

Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website XHTML: You can use these tags: a href="" title="" abbr title="" acronym title="" b blockquote cite="" code em i strike strong Maximum Comment Length: 2500 characters (about five paragraphs) img src="http://www. spankingblog. com/stockroom-150x250. jpg" width="150" height="250" alt="JT's Sto
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ies of all time, with some short clips to give you an idea how extreme the action is. Powered by - Site produced by - 2007 Northstar Productions, LLC. - - - - - - - Published on March 25, 2008 at 12:08 PM by | Filed under,, | Join us in 303 Hamilton for a very important presentation. Sir Guy is a dominant uniform fetishist, a NYS certified emergency medical technician, and a trainer of EMS personnel. His presentation on BDSM E. R. is a must see: Your hot wax scene gets a little TOO hot, and someone gets burned& You are a little TOO sharp with your knife play and your bottom finally gets the point& Your gag works a little TOO well and your bottom has no voice, and NO BREATH& What do you do? Sir Guy will review these and other scenarios as he guides you through medical emergencies in the scene. He will also deal with first aid musts, improvised first aid, wh
en to call for help, and what to tell first responders. Email this post to a friend RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun - GMSMA is the worlds largest organization of men seriously interested in safe, sane, and consensual S/M activities. - Founded in 1981, the Lesbian Sex Mafia is one of the oldest womenâ??s BDSM support and education groups in the country and is located in New York City, with a membership primarily in the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. - An education, support and resource group for individuals interested in the Master/slave lifestyle. MAsT provides an opportunity and forum for like-minded individuals to come together to share ideas, knowledge, and discuss
relevant issues. - NCSF is a legal aid and law education organization supporting alternative sexual lifestyles. - Poly NYC is an education and outreach organization supporting polyamorous living in the New York City area. - The largest and oldest New York City area public BDSM education organization. There is also a subgroup of adults under 35 called TES-TiNG. - The LGBT center is New Yorks premier resource for LGBTQ individuals, and generously provides spaces for classes and workshops held by other organizations in New York City. The opinions and views expressed on this web site are the beliefs of the Conversio Virium club member who wrote them and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other members or affiliated organizations. Unless otherwise noted, all original content on this site is protected under an license and is hereby © 2007–2008 by Conversio Virium and its contributors. Powered by with design by and modified by of. and feeds. Valid and. ^ ^